Hurricanes happen. They are part of coastal life, along with beach erosion. Even smaller storms and just general weather can cause damage to coastal and non-coastal real estate. Some things are predicted and others are not. What is important is that you understand the risks that apply to the property you own or are considering purchasing. Flood zones, COBRA zones, the ocean, the sounds, the inlets – they all play a part and can affect properties in different ways. Vegetation lines, setbacks, and zoning can change over time, and can dictate what will or will not be permitted to be built/rebuilt in certain circumstances.
Following is a brochure published by the North Carolina Real Estate Commission that can help you understand what questions to ask and what needs to be disclosed when buying and selling coastal property in North Carolina. If you have questions, please reach out and ask me.
https://kimberlycrouch.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/31338/2022/09/CoastalBrochure.pdf (Please read this brochure as Page 2, then Page 1.)
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Hi, I'm Kim Crouch, and I help people and investment entities buy and sell their homes in Wilmington and coastal southeast North Carolina!
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1001 Millitary Cutoff Rd Suite 101
Wilmington, NC 28403
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