Summer is here and it is hot! With air temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s and the clear blue green water reaching close to 80 degrees, this is my favorite time of year! Here are some updates on what is going on in our area.
4th of July 2024
The 4th of July is coming up quickly! Here is a list of things to do. If you’re going to the beach, definitely get there early, I recommend 7am. I have never seen Wrightsville Beach busier than on the 4th of July. Have fun and stay safe!
- Downtown Wilmington: https://www.wilmingtonnc.gov/departments/parks-recreation/events-permits/4th-of-july-5371
- Surf City: https://www.ncfestivals.com/events/2024/independence-day-celebrationsurf-city
- Southport & Brunswick County Beaches: https://www.capefear-nc.com/north-carolina-4th-of-july-festival.html. https://nc4thofjuly.com/
- Carolina Beach: https://www.wilmingtonandbeaches.com/event/independence-day-fireworks-by-the-sea-%26-boardwalk-blast/4260/
Top 10 Beaches in NC
8 out of 10 are in New Hanover, Brunswick, and Pender Counties! https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/nc-beaches-were-voted-10-171937097.html
Who Has the Upper Hand In Real Estate Right Now – Buyers or Sellers?
We talk about this a lot right? Levels of inventory and whether or not it’s a seller’s or buyer’s market in our area? Here is a national article that discusses it across the country. https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/real-estate-today-is-sellers-market-why-sellers-dont-feel-that-way/
Summer Weather Outlook for Southeastern NC
It’s going to be a hot one! https://www.weather.gov/ilm/SummerOutlook2024
Do you have questions about our area? Please reach out to me at kim@thecoastalrealestategroup.com.
Hi there!
Hi, I'm Kim Crouch, and I help people and investment entities buy and sell their homes in Wilmington and coastal southeast North Carolina!
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1001 Millitary Cutoff Rd Suite 101
Wilmington, NC 28403
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