The high summer season is winding down as kids go back to school, UNCW students arrive, and many locals’ favorite time of year begins. The weather stays warm and the days are still long, but the crowds are a bit thinner and the area usually feels slightly more calm. This summer has been very hot with a lot of rain, and we have been busy and enjoying it!
Hurricane Season Is Upon Us
Tropical Storm Debby is behind us and the surfers have enjoyed the big surf that Hurricane Ernesto pushed in while staying offshore. This time of year is a good time to remember to respect the ocean. It can be calm and peaceful one day and full of rip currents the next. Remember to pay attention to the red flags and swim advisories that may be in effect.
Here is a short video on what to do if you or someone else is caught in a rip current:
I took the above photo at the south end jetty at Masonboro Inlet on Wrightsville Beach on August 10, 2024, after Tropical Storm Debby. We had a lot of rain from this storm, minimal damage. You can see the difference in color in the water between the ocean side of the jetty and the inlet side, and if you look closely, how far out that water goes.
I was looking for an explanation for the difference in the water color (which is much more extreme than usual) and learned that the color comes from the Cape Fear River. Usually the river is pushed out of Snow’s Cut near Carolina Beach, but because we had days of strong south wind, it also came up to Wrightsville Beach and out Masonboro Inlet. That river water combined with stormwater runoff explains the difference in water color. It’s a good idea to be mindful when swimming after big storms, make sure there are no swimming advisories, and keep water out of ears, eyes, mouth, nose, and open cuts. Remember this for your pets too.
Here’s an article from the North Carolina Coastal Federation outlining some natural solutions to stormwater management.
And here’s a fun story about the actor who played Pacey on Dawson’s Creek. He was rescued by the Coast Guard in Masonboro Inlet back in 1999 while helping other swimmers reach safety.
Is the Real Estate Market Slowly Shifting to a Buyer’s Market?
According to the National Association of Realtors (“NAR”) it is. This may or may not be true in our specific market. Read more below to see what NAR is saying.
Look Out Gen Z, Your Parents May Need Your Help
Born in the middle of Gen Z and being a self-named stereotype of this generation, watching how we navigate our most productive years, and how we are viewed as a whole, intrigues me. This article isn’t necessarily positive, but does highlight some interesting points to watch out for over the next couple decades. There’s still time for us to make some headway on this potential problem.
Multi-Use Path In Surf City Takes the Next Step
Will Surf City be getting its bike path? Read more here.
Do you have questions about our area? Please reach out to me at kim@thecoastalrealestategroup.com.
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Hi, I'm Kim Crouch, and I help people and investment entities buy and sell their homes in Wilmington and coastal southeast North Carolina!
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